Home > Artworks > Bettina Verde Rodriguez

Photo of Bettina Verde Rodriguez Uruguay

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As a child growing up in touch with nature, exploration and freedom were the engines of my inspiration. As every child I learned playing, dreaming and laughing happily and mess with sand and soil. Water spoke to me, still does. My first love was nature, she was content in my outbursts and has answered my questions, has given expression to my soul and light to my senses.

Today I am not a professional artist...

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As a child growing up in touch with nature, exploration and freedom were the engines of my inspiration. As every child I learned playing, dreaming and laughing happily and mess with sand and soil. Water spoke to me, still does. My first love was nature, she was content in my outbursts and has answered my questions, has given expression to my soul and light to my senses.

Today I am not a professional artist rather doomed me every day to health and quality of life through the exercise of my profession, as are the Western Integral Yoga and Kinesiology, but then I'm an artist at heart, love I'm happy feeling and expressing what I feel. I'm learning to be part of this journey and allow me the lyrics, dance, and now also the photo that invites me to cherish life a new way to share their beauty and multiplying its simplest gestures.

This is my purpose, sharing not my work, but the works that I found in my eternal search steps.

Thanks for the opportunity, a greeting and endless light, Bettina.

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